Nice work Gallo!!
Thanks for putting this together and all... and nice work fixing the widthXheight too :P it looked like crap before that haha.
(It still say sceene selector though, lol.)
// Rammstein (I'd love a co-author though :D )
Nice work Gallo!!
Thanks for putting this together and all... and nice work fixing the widthXheight too :P it looked like crap before that haha.
(It still say sceene selector though, lol.)
// Rammstein (I'd love a co-author though :D )
Did you add me yet? XD
Oh yeah, i keep forgetting about the Sceene selecter thing-a-mo-bob. thank you.
Hahahahaha awesome! Really fun! :D
F-ing ultra super hyper mega awesome! The art is very nice and the pixelated scene nonetheless! The music choice was well put also!
// Rammstein
Haha glad you liked it, thanks for the review.
Lol just like the maker of foamy!
Hehehe, that was awesome. Nice work.
Super Mario!
The super mario one was the only one that made me laugh, but it was enough for a 5 vote and 10/10 stars :P awesome!
Not good.
This was not good, it was poorly drawn and short. I mean, it is 4.7 mb large but it could be like 300kb or something. Shame on you.
Rammstein @ the Lock Legion.
Joined on 7/24/07